“Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.”
~Thomas Merton
Urban Collage #297 — Available @ A Gallery Fine Art
It’s not often that I look back at the entire creative journey that has brought me to where I am today as an abstract artist, but I recently had one hell of a conversation with Aaron S of The Flying Fruit Bowl. TFFB is both a platform and a podcast series that is DEDICATED TO THE DISCUSSION AND EXPLORATION OF ART AND THE CREATIVE PROCESS. Aaron is based in the UK and brings to you his passion for long conversations that meander around your particular journey with insightful questions that make you see things in a new light. A photographer himself, Aaron understands the sacrifices and demands that revolve around a creative path in modern society.
In a world that is increasingly less private, where can we go to just listen? Finding sources of authentic content has gone the way of the dinosaur—pretty much extinct. Aaron and his team have produced some fantastic podcasts that I’ve listened to on TFFB, and is one source that I will treasure and return to again for creative content that’s worth my time.
If you’d like to listen to my interview with Aaron, it’s been split into parts 1 and 2 — each 1.5 hours of dialogue that dissected my creative journey:
Part 1: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2NZ1UqEnOX2MJzjXEQvuqJ
Part 2: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4THOLHRrQuBMFYQJZnIm0Z